Sunday 25 March 2012

The presence of Gambierdiscus spp. in Pakistan waters; Morphology and species

The cause of ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP) is believed to be toxins produced by a dinoflagellate of the genus Gambierdiscus (Dinophyceae). These species are armoured unicellular , photosynthetic, toxic (as you might of gathered by now) and distributed in tropical waters often in reefs. Their preferred habitat is attached to the surface of algal turf, detritus and sand. In the tropics CFP is a problem surrounding many reef islands, were they rely on fish as a protein source. As mentioned in my last blog post about the physiological responses the symptoms are: gastrointestinal, neurological and cardiovascular. This papers estimate of the amount of annual cases is 50 k, this is much lower than Shoemakers et al. (by 50 k) which is misleading, this may be due to underreporting in the references chosen.

The identification of Gambierdiscus spp. is complex as I could imagine being so small and similar, the species are grouped into two main morphologies: anteroposterior compressed cells e.g. G.toxicus, G.belizeanus, G.australes, G.polynesienus, G.pacificus, G.coralinianus and globular shaped cells such as G.yasumotoi and G.ruetzelri. The purported distinguishing features, which set these groups apart is dependent on the ornamentation and shape and size of cell plates. Munir et al.’s work is the first work to document the presence Gambierdiscus spp. in the northern parts of the Indian Ocean, Pakistan. Their research describes the basic morphology of these toxic benthic dinoflagellates, from two coastal regions one mangrove and one coral habitat.

Five species of Gambierdiscus were found: G. toxicus, G. belizeanus, G. polynesiensis, G. australes and G. yasumotoi. Cells of G. toxicus are described as round from an antapical and apical view and also ventrally flattened. Cell size is 71-96 micrometres dorsoventrally and 62-90 micrometres in transdiameter. Epithecal plates are comprised of 11 pore plates which are variable in shape and size. The plates have various morphometrical defining parameters. G.belizeanus cells are round and also ventrally compressed. They are smaller in size and range from 50-70 micrometres dorsoventrally and 65-69 micrometres in transdiameter. The plate surfaces are aerolated and display dense pores. Cells of G. polynesiensis are elliptical, and cell size is 65-88 micrometres and 56-75 micrometres in dorsoventral and transdiameter respectively. The epithecal plates are different taking on a triangular structure. G. australes cell size is 60-81 micrometres and 48-76 micrometres dorsoventral diameter and transdiameter respectively. The epithecal plates are smooth. Cells of G.yasumotoi are in contrast globular shaped in epical view, and the plates are smooth with numerous pores. Cell size is 49-52 micrometres long, and 43-51 micrometres wide. The authors also document variations in plate measurements and various other identifying morphological characteristics.

The documentation of dinoflagellates off the Pakistani coast recorded 79 different species of dinoflagellates that were not identified to genera level. Defining these species may help in understanding the distributions of toxic species, which have implications for the fishing industry. The species of Gambierdiscus that Munir et al. discovered in Pakistani coastal waters were previously thought only to be found in Atlantic and Pacific waters. There are still regions of the coast where research is not available which could be detrimental to local fishing. The authors note that macroalgae are the preferred habitat for these benthic dinoflagellates, therefore this study drastically underestimates the possible ecological relevance of these species. The aim of their research was to provide evidence of their presence in this region to alert fisheries and resource managers. They advise further research that emphasises documenting the abundance and distribution of these species and potential impacts on fish community structure. They also advise developing databases to promote regional assessments for socioeconomic understanding of the status of these toxic species and for promoting export management. This work is fundamental to understanding the danger of CFP, by raising awareness of its presence. This is an eye opener that demonstrates we really don’t have it all pegged; understanding Gambierdiscus blooms and fish grazing ecology, in conjunction with artificial neural network databases of trophic biomagnifications, could help prevent CFP.

Munir, S., Siddiqui, P. J. A. & Morton, S. L. (2011). "The occurrence of the ciguatera fish poisoning producing dinoflagellate genus Gambierdiscus in Pakistan waters." Algae 26: 317-325.


Giuseppe Suaria said...

Hi Corin,
I guess that since Pakistan coastline fronts on to the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman, which are among some of the busiest shipping routes in the world; it can be likely that these newly reported species of Gambierdiscus, previously thought to be present only in the Atlantic and in the Pacific ocean, have arrived here only in recent times, as invasive species, probably with ship's ballast waters or through hull fouling. Do you think this could be the case?
The number of alien invasive species, including many HAB's-forming microalgae, is increasing worldwide, and maybe this is another example of this increasing process. Did the authors mentioned anything about this among the possible explanations?

Corin Liddle said...

Very interesting point, they don't explicitly make reference to this Idea as an explanation for their appearance, however they do state that previously it has only been found around Reunion Island, In the Indian ocean. It is also mentioned that many of the toxic species are found around reefs where 50-90% of them are dead. They flag up that the first case of CFP in that part of the world, was on the island Mauritius in the western Indian Ocean. I agree with you and think it is a reasonable explanation, but it could equally be that they have always been present, just not documented! The paper does not make it clear. IT is written in rather confusing English lol, they never really gave any explanations, the main emphasis of the paper was about describing the characteristics of the cells, and highlighting how knowledge of the species could help inform industry.

Mario Lewis said...

Hi Corin and Guiseppe!

Excellent review. I did a review on the dissemination of pathogens via ballast water and biofilms recently. I didn't realize how significant boat traffic is in disease spread. Although my review was on bacteria, it is of course plausible that toxin producing dinoflagellates can also be spread in the same manner (ballast water). Im not sure whether these dinoflagellates thrive in biofilms though...perhaps they do.

I think Guiseppe has a point regarding ships constantly going through the Arabian Gulf which may be responsible for dinoflagellate spread to new territories. It would be interesting to see if these organisms are detected in the Red Sea and the Mediterranean (via the Suez canal) in the future, as it would give credence to the idea of dissemination via international boat travel.

Do you guys know if the dinoflagellates are only found in tropical waters or are they more widespread?

Corin Liddle said...

Thanks Mario, as far as i know, their only found in the tropics, it is a good point about being transported by boats..perhaps molecular analysis of ballast water would reveal if they were present or not. They don't form bio-films but they do grow on the surfaces of algae!So I don't think there wide spread as I wrote in my first post about Chronic ciguatera sates their are two main strands: There are multiple strands of ciguatera toxins produced by different Gamierdiscus spp., they are geographically specific i.e. different strains are found in the Pacific, Indian oceans and Caribbean oceans.

Mario Lewis said...

Hey Corin,

I was just reading this article for my TEm labfile. Lawerence et al (2003) investigated the composition and structure of biofilms using TEM and they identified extracellular nucleic acids which support the matrix, bacteria, algae, protozoans, cyanobacteria, etc. So I suppose it is possible for other organisms to be disseminated via biofilms even if the organism does not create its own biofilm..I suppose there are all sorts of benefits that come with being in such a microenvironment.

Mario Lewis said...

Forgot to add reference....


Lawrence JR, Swerhone GDW, Leppard GG, Araki T, Zhang X, West MM, Hitchcock AP (2003) Scanning transmission x-ray, laser scanning, and transmission electron microscopy mapping of the exopolymeric matrix of microbial biofilms. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 69 (9): 5543-5554.

Giuseppe Suaria said...

Hi guys,
The transport of toxic dinoflagellates via ships' ballast water seems to be a very common phenomenon nowadays, which is increasing more and more.

There are quite a lot of articles in the literature about this topic:

In my opinion however, what is really interesting is the fact that what is being transported by ships, are not the microalgae in itself, but their resting cysts.

Dinoflagellates infact, are able to produce resting stages, called cysts or dinocysts, as part of their life cycles. And in this state, they can remain viable for very long period such as long cargo ship journeys.

Moreover, benthic (on rocks or algae as Corin said) or planktonic dinoflagellates, are widespread and common in almost every acquatic environment, so it is very likely that they are transported all over the world in ship's ballast water.

This is a nice paper about this increasing problem: